Reading Programs
Accelerated Reader is a program that helps students improve their reading. Each student has the opportunity to reach a challenge level.
The Challenges include a Class Challenge, a Librarian's Challenge, and a Principal's Challenge. Each grade level has a given number of points needed in order to reach each of the challenges. Students enter into a drawing for the challenge they reach by the end of each quarter. A drawing happens at the end of the year--which prizes awarded to one student from each Challenge.
Students can improve their chances of reaching one of the challenges by reading AR books and taking tests as well as by participating in the Librarian's Breakfast Club.
Wildcat Readers
Students who wish to participate in the Wildcat Readers, can read books and take AR tests to earn Reading Wildcat tickets from their teacher. Students can turn in Wildcat Reader tickets during their Wednesday morning recess at the library and receive a prize and be entered into drawings. Drawings happen at the end of each quarter.
95% Group is an approach to reading intervention. Students are assessed regularly and are grouped by their need. Instructional materials are aligned to student-need and are research-based. Students are learning academic vocabulary and are using manipulatives to learn phonics and phonological awareness (the ability to hear sounds that make up words in the spoken language).
At Clemens, teachers and support staff are working together to provide reading intervention using this program for 40 minutes daily in Kindergarten through 3rd grade. As part of the program, the staff is receiving training in best-practices in reading instruction.